Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Good Day

First post-treatment day and I'm happy to report that all went well. No nausea, no barfing, no weird reactions, fevers or anything. This is a very promising sign that chemo is no match for my bod. Ha. Felt a little naush (that's short for nausea) late this morning and a bit this evening but at the first wave I popped a Compazene and all was well. The docs certainly supplied me with a strong arsenal against any symptoms. Exlax and softeners also came in handy, but I'll spare those details. 

I felt pretty strong today, which they said would be expected as a result of the steroids that I'm on but it felt fantastic to have some energy back. Had a great visit with Melissa, Kyle and Leah this morning who came bearing a very thoughtful basket of goodies, including chocolate, my favorite Moscato, games, teas and music, plus, my absolute fav: a cheddar everything bagel sandwich from Brookside Bagels in Simsbury---can't beat it. And, Dr. Dailey would be proud of the high sodium content and greasy sausage patty. It was great to talk and laugh and pass the hours with good friends. 

Then I just had the incessant urge to walk. Needed to get some exercise, so we headed to the dog park with Sammy. Jam-packed today so she got to sniff up all types of dogs and beat them out on the race to any tennis ball thrown within her vicinity. No one can touch her speed. We hiked a little through the trails in the park which felt great to have my blood pumping and to not feel short of breath after just a few steps as I had been. We let her jump in the river for her first swim and that was very exciting to watch. She's got a mean doggie paddle. 

A solid lunch and nap then a trip to Barnes & Noble and Best Buy. All-in-all I'd say a very good day for a chemo virgin. 


  1. Karin,
    Your honesty, humor, and matter-of-factedness (is that a word?)are an inspiration. YOU are an inspiration. If there was ever anyone I knew that could kill the !@%&* out of this, it will be you. Hugs and much love, Kim

  2. Karin, Judy sent an e-mail to our chorus asking for prayers for you. Just read your blog site - you're a wonderful writer...keep up your positive thoughts and know there are many people out there who have never met you but who are praying for you and sending the power of our love. Gwen
